Monday, January 18, 2016

All Is Well, All Is Well-Collin

Dear Family and Friends,
This week has definitely tested my faith. I have had so many great opportunities while I have been here in Petro. First off, On Tuesday, we were in St. Petersburg and we went contacting on the Metro. I spoke to a lady and got her name and number. It was great because even if she wasn't all that interested at first, she became interested by the end. She had to get off and so I went and spoke to another lady. She spoke English very well so we decided that she would speak in English and I would speak in Russian with her correcting me. She was some other religion and wasn't all that interested. I still tried tying in what she was talking about to Gospel principles. She and I spoke about her family and her love for her country. She was really interested in why I was there. I told her that I was a missionary and that I am here to share the gospel with everybody. She was astonished that I would leave America where I have all my freedoms and come to a country where I can't speak the language fluently. She said, "Are your parents both American?" I told her yes and that you supported my decision. She asked why I have stayed. I told her that the city is beautiful and the people are amazing! She laughed...She was just amazed. When we finished talking she kissed my cheek and gave me a piece of really good chocolate. She thanked me for allowing her to practice her English. My companions laughed that I got a kiss on my first week...That's not why I am here, but it was a funny story.
Thursday, we weren't able to talk to anybody. There wasn't a single person who wanted to hear what we had. Some missionaries would look at that and find the failure, but I have found that it is best if you find the good. The good in the situation is that God allowed the wind to stop blowing and the snow to stop falling so that we could talk to more people. Although we didn't find anybody, we shared the gospel and allowed them the chance to change. I love this work so much! God is so good to His missionaries.
Friday, we were able to go contacting and after all the unsuccessful tries, we taught 6 lessons. We couldn't see the blessings at first, but as it says in Ether 12, the blessings will not come until after the trial of your faith.
One of the lessons that I taught, I was able to give out a Book of Mormon. I love doing that! It is like handing somebody the keys to a brand-new car. God really does prepare His children.
Last night we were contacting and we stopped a man and he told  us that he wasn't interested. We then began to ask about him and he told us things that we could help with. We told him how The Gospel could help him with those things. He became interested in our church and in prophets. We gave him a Book of Mormon and told him that if he would read this book, he could be able to know that our church is true. We showed him Moroni 10: 3-5 and told him it is through prayer and The Holy Ghost that we can know. It was great.
Last night when we were almost to our apartment building, we saw a Schnauzer and I kind of got really happy! I asked the ladies where they had gotten it hoping that it had come from home, but they found it. It was a black and Silver male. with cropped ears. That was a tender mercy for me. I was feeling a bit sad this week, but I don't know why. I am better now!
Subject line:
I have learned to trust in The Lord. He is in all things and he loves us. I love how in Come Come Ye Saints it always ends with those words. "All is well, all is well." Trust in God, He will guide your paths. If you have a question talk to Him. It is a conversation so listen. Listen to His guidance. it is the best guidance that we can receive.
I have a request. Will you pray for us. We desperately need investigators and we aren't being able to find any. Please pray that we will  be directed to  those who are prepared. We could use some extra help.
I want you to know that I pray for you, I love you and God loves you. He gave us this world to live. Do so, but thank God for everything that you have because it all came from Him.
Until next week,

старейшина Hawkins
Russia, St. Petersburg Mission

Mailing Instructions:
Elder Collin James Hawkins
Russia St Petersburg Mission
Pr Malookhtinsky 16/1
POM 11-H, 12-H
Saint Petersburg 195112

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